Mr. Galymzhan Zhumasultanov
Head of the State Governance «Governance of Industry and Industrial-Innovative Development of the Karaganda Region»
Zhumasultanov Galymzhan was born in 1962 in the Karaganda region. In 1984, he graduated from the Karaganda State Polytechnic University, in 1993 – the Karaganda State University named after E.F.Buketov.
He began his career in 1984 by the dispatcher of the «Domain» station.
1985-1986 – mechanic of the Karaganda bus fleet №1.
In 1986-1995 he held various positions on the Karaganda Metallurgical Combine.
1995-1996 - Lead Engineer of the Commercial Service, Head of the Order Desk of the Experimental Repair Enterprise.
In July-October, 1996, he was the Executive director of the «Kazkonsul» JV.
1996-1998 - Head of the Transport Control Service of the Karaganda Regional Passenger Transport Board.
In June-November 1998 - Engineer of the Department of Control and Development of Passenger Transport of the KO KGP «Passenger Transport and Service Governance».
In 1998-2004, he held the position of Chief specialist of the Department of operational management of the Office of the Akim of the Karaganda region.
In 2004-2007 - Head of the Department of Transport and Relations of the State Institution «Regional Department of Housing and Communal Services, Transport and Relations of the Karaganda Region».
2007-2008 – Executive director of the «Ecotrans» LLP.
In 2008-2013, he was the Deputy Head of the State Governance «Governance of Entrepreneurship and Industry of the Karaganda Region».
In September-November 2013 – Deputy Head of the State Governance «Governance of Industry and Industrial-Innovative Development of the Karaganda Region»
In 2013-2014 he held the position of Managing Director of «SEC «Saryarka» JSC NC.
2014-2016 - Deputy Head of the State Governance «Governance of Industry and Industrial-Innovative Development of the Karaganda Region».
Since January 2017 - Head of the State Governance «Governance of Industry and Industrial-Innovative Development of the Karaganda Region».