
Roundtable is Dedicated to Investment and Trade Opportunities for SMEs in Kazakhstan Within the Framework of the Zukunfstag Mittelstand-2024 Exhibition

Roundtable is Dedicated to Investment and Trade Opportunities for SMEs in Kazakhstan Within the Framework of the Zukunfstag Mittelstand-2024 Exhibition

Berlin city, Germany

KAZAKH INVEST invites you to take part in a parallel session dedicated to investment and trade opportunities for SMEs in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will take place on March 13, 2024, in Berlin as part of the Zukunfstag Mittelstand-2024 exhibition.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is Germany's largest trading partner in Central Asia, providing ample opportunities for direct export transactions, the development of local production, and the creation of joint ventures. The event is organized by SCHNEIDER GROUP, international consulting company, the official representative of BVMW in Kazakhstan, and the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Germany.

Representatives of government agencies, national companies, and representatives of the German business community will attend the event. Olzhas Saparbekov, Vice Minister of Industry and Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan, will head the Kazakh delegation.

During the event, participants will receive information about promising economic sectors, conditions, and incentives for investing in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Participants of the event must have registration for the "Zukunftstag Mittelstand 2024" - https://zukunftstag-mittelstand.de/  

Companies wishing to participate are kindly requested to send their applications via the following link: https://schneider-group.com/de/news/events/markteintritt-und-b2b-kooperationen-in-Kasachstan/

The program of the event - https://schneider-group.com/de/news/events/markteintritt-und-b2b-kooperationen-in-Kasachstan/
